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Downton Abbey[25/12/2013] (Original title)
Date: 25 December 2013 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Jon East

Synopsis: The Crawley's relocate to London for debutante Rose's presentation at court. Cora welcomes her visiting mother and brother. Whilst enjoying the London nightlife Rose becomes involved in a situation that may harm the royal family. Lady Edith returns from her trip to Switzerland.


Series title:
Downton Abbey
TV Transmissions
Date: 25 December 2013Broadcast channel: ITVCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 20:30-22:30Digital Terrestrial - Dialogue (original): English - Colour - Sound

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(2)

Accessible materials to view(1)
Description: MP4TX date: 2013-12-25BFI identifier: N-164090
Status: Viewing

Digital materials(2)
Description: 50IDuration: 01:40:41 minutesD10 - TX date: 2013-12-25BFI identifier: N-164089
Status: Master

Description: MP4TX date: 2013-12-25BFI identifier: N-164090
Status: Viewing